6560 Dixie Hwy
Clarkston, MI 48346
"Join the Pack" of Satisfied Customers Since 1946
"Join the Pack" of Satisfied Customers Since 1946
Trailers & Truck Accessories
Trailer Sales, Service, and Parts
Snow Plows & Salt Spreaders Sales & Service
Truck Accessories & Hitch Sales & Service
Best Prices in Town
Financing thru
Trailer sales, repair, service, and parts. Trailer sales include open and enclosed trailers, landscaping, dump trailers, car haulers, and galvanized trailers. Major brands and competitive pricing! We are #1 in trailer repair & maintenance! Insurance work and estimates. Hundreds of trailer parts for the DIYer, welding axles, wiring, brakes, lights, tires, and much more.
We have over 40 years of experience in decking out trucks. Let us help you find what looks best on your truck. We have lots of options which include truck caps, lids, soft covers, steps, and much more. All brands are sold with expert installation at no additional charge.
We sell and install a complete line of hitches, including fifth-wheel hitches. Let us help you with your towing accessory needs. We specialize in custom fabrication and welding. FREE estimates.
We sell and service a full line of snow plows and ice equipment, including salt spreaders. Fastest turnaround in town. Competitive prices. Snow plow flushes and maintenance. Snow plow repair with parts for the DIYer.
Trailer sales, repair, service, and parts. Trailer sales include open and enclosed trailers, landscaping, dump trailers, car haulers, and aluminum trailers. Major brands and competitive pricing! We are #1 in trailer repair & maintenance! Insurance work and estimates. Hundreds of trailer parts for the DIYer, welding axles, wiring, brakes, lights, tires, and much more.
We have over 40 years of experience in decking out trucks. Let us help you find what looks best on your truck. We have lots of options which include truck caps, lids, soft covers, steps, and much more. All brands are sold with expert installation at no additional charge.
We sell and install a complete line of hitches, including fifth-wheel hitches. Let us help you with your towing accessory needs. We specialize in custom fabrication and welding. FREE estimates.
We sell and service a full line of snow plows and ice equipment, including salt spreaders. Fastest turnaround in town. Competitive prices. Snow plow flushes and maintenance. Snow plow repair with parts for the DIYer.
"Good service and friendly and I think the prices for their products are very good. I highly recommend this place."
"It's not just a trailer place, I got a great deal on accessories for the truck too!!! A little rough getting in and out during high traffic times but worth the effort."
Christopher G.
Has your trailer been damaged in an accident? Howlands Trailers & Truck Accessories can perform insurance-related repairs and maintenance services on your trailer and snowplows! We also deal in hitches and truck accessories, snowplows and salt spreaders. Our team stands behind our products and services with our warranties. We match any reasonable price. Call us today!
Over 75 Years of Experience
We’ve Been in Business Since 1946
We Service and Sell All Brands
Locally and Family Owned and Operated
Made in the USA and Michigan
We Work With Insurance Companies
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